** Prices shown are for individual pickups unless otherwise indicated as a set

Within the ranks of our Pasadena Series, you are likely to find characteristics akin to the quinessential rock tones from the late 70's which changed the standard for which all other guitar tones would be measured.
Each Pasadena Series pickup is a snapshot in time of three specific eras of legendary tones born in Pasadena, CA
PAsadena "White"

If you're looking for a humbucker to give you that razor articulate tone from 1978, The Pasadena Series: White is your ticket to the time machine. Overwound, vintage specs with period correct parts and attention to detail get you the right palette to be well on your way.
Magnet - Alnico 2
DCR - 9k

PAsadena "Black"
The Pasadena Series "Black" is one of our most popular pickup models, with good reason!
A Little darker sounding than the "White", the PS-BL1 is dynamic and gnarly with moderate to high gain settings and cleans up fantastic with a simple roll off of the volume knob.
Tap harmonics leap off the fingerboard and have just the right amount of "Chime".
An all around great rock pickup that isn't crazy hot and is a bit more than an overwound PAF.
Dig into your axe with a Pasadena "Black" and unleash a tonal MONSTER!

Magnet - Alnico 2
DCR - 14,5k

PAsadena "red"

The PS-RD1 may look like the PS-BL1 on paper, but it's different wind gives it a slight boost in the upper mids without making it "fizzy". All of the harmonics and sustain of the PS-BL1 with a touch more overall girth, all wrapped in a warm package.
Chords are articulate, lead work sings with attitude.
Unlike the PS-WH1 and PS-BL1, the PS-RD1 has a neck position counterpart. The PS-RD2 is warm and creamy with it's higher DCR and Alnico 3 magnet. (It's also a nice compliment to the PS-BL1)
** Prices shown are for individual pickups. If you require a set, set quantity in cart to , select your options and leave a note indicating "Set"
Magnet - Alnico 2
DCR - 14.5k
Magnet - Alnico 3
DCR - 16k




Complete your replica with the replica builder's Choice "THE FRANKENSET"! The Pasadena Series: Black and '79 Las Lunas are exactly what you need to put your replica above the average!
The Frankenset has been the "Go to" for MANY replica builders for years and there is a reason for that. It is the best replica set on the market today, Vintage tones, quality workmanship and impeccable attention to detail to the tone and aging.
You've put all that hard work into making your replica the best it can be, make it sound as good as it looks with the most accurate and authentic looking replica set available!
This set is assmebled with the standard specifications needed to fit a proper accurate replica guitar bodies with accurate pickup cavity depth. ( Please check with guitar body manufacturer for cavity depths prior to purchase) This set is for the serious replica builder!
Set Build Specifictations:
Pasadena Series: Black Humbucker
-HEAVILY aged Vintage Butyrate BLACK bobbins
-Aged Nickel Silver Long Leg Baseplate -Vintage PAF 49.2mm Spacing (No Trem spacing)
-Aged Vintage Braid Connector Wire.
'79 Las Lunas Single Coil "Dummy" Pickup
- Vintage correct color and materials
- Light aging to match the original
- NON Functional (Like the original)
Please note
When purchased as a set, the above are the only options available. If you require specific options such as different colors, Trem spacing/short legs, Functional Single Coil etc. You can purchase your pickup with the options you need by using the standard ordering procedure. Check The Pasadana Series tab as well the Single Coils tab to find what you're looking for!

Magnet - Alnico 5
DCR - 15.6k


Hellloooo Baby!
Introducing a new addition to the Pariah Pasadena Series. Keeping in line with it’s predecessors, the “1986” humbucker is designed to celebrate it’s namesake “vintage”.
Sharing much of the same DNA as others in the lineup, the PS-86 offers a
“power up” from it’s PS siblings without sacrificing character or definition. It’s special winding pattern, combined with a strong Alnico 5 magnet means that diming your guitar’s volume will give a full bodied rock crunch. Dialing it back will present a soft and gritty tone with a touch of snap. (The best of both worlds!)
A versatile humbucker in a variety of guitar wood types, the “1986” is exceptional in Ash or Basswood.
Whether you’re playing straight through a Plexi or piling on your favorite modulation (s) the PS-86 will put more bounce to your jump kick!
** Prices shown are for individual pickups unless otherwise indicated as a set